Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week of 8-31-15

Bulldog Bites 8-31-15

One-One Computing Pilot

Milton-Union High School is moving towards our goal to have a computer for every student, every day.  One to One computing allows our teachers to develop lessons and learning experiences that are tailored for their students.  Students will have the ability to use computers to submit assignment, conduct research for classes and work within a digital environment.

MUHS will pilot this program during the 2015-2016 school year with approximately 150 students.   These students will be able to use their laptop computers in all classes.  Teachers in the high school will begin the process of developing lessons that can, in part, be delivered through this digital environment.

Handbooks and Parent Agreements have been given to all students involved in the program.  If you need any other copies please contact our high school office and we will be happy to get one to you.

Although only some students will use computers this year, our goal is to have more computers in the hands of more students during the next two years, until eventually all students have access to their own computer every day!

Clash of the Classes

We are starting a new competition this year between each of our classes!  Each class will compete weekly to earn points, with the winning class earning a great prize at the end of the year.  Students can earn points by going to home games for all of our teams, having positive grades, showing school spirit, etc..  Please talk to your student and ask them about Class of the Classes!  You can follow Class of the Classes on Twitter:

New this Year

  • Our Current Events course will work on writing and filming daily announcements.  They are now working to master the software that will allow them to use our green screen. 

  • Our robotics class is working with design engineering software originally designed at Carnegie Mellon University. 
  • Our MVCTC Business course has added a 3D printer - MUHS now has two!  They will work with this printer to design prototypes and other business related models.
  • A number of students will be working with ACT WorkKeys- this test prep helps prepare students to take the ACT WorkKeys exam in the spring.  Students can earn industry recognized credentials by taking this exam.
  • All of our teachers will be working hard to incorporate inquiry learning into their classrooms.  We want to help our children learn to think!


Milton-Union High School Joins School Safety Reporting Tip Line

Milton-Union High School is one of almost 1,300 Ohio schools now providing students and parents access to Ohio’s toll-free school safety tip line, SaferOH (844-SaferOH). By calling the line, users can share information with school officials and law enforcement agencies about threats ranging from a mass incident to a case of bullying or harm to a single student. Callers may give their names or remain unidentified. Tip line staff may ask for more details about the threat to decide what kind of help is needed.
Research shows that in 81 percent of violent incidents in U.S. schools, someone other than the attacker knew something was coming but failed to report it.  Many witnesses feared being a “snitch” or becoming a target of the attacker or bully. Anonymous tip lines help ease that fear and are a good way of learning about potential threats to students and schools.

 The SaferOH tip line takes calls 24 hours a day, whenever an Ohio student or adult senses a threat to their safety or the safety of others in a school.

Trained professionals at Ohio Homeland Security’s Threat Assessment and Prevention (TAP) unit answer all calls to 844-SaferOH.  When action is needed, TAP workers quickly forward information to local school leaders and law enforcement agencies.

Keep the 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764) phone number handy and make sure your child knows the number as well. Schools should be safe places to learn. MUHS is committed to keeping our school, our students and our community safe.