Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 2, 2015

MUHS Quarter 2 Newsletter

Please use the following link to view the MUHS Quarter 2 Newsletter:
MUHS Quarter 2 Newsletter

Upcoming Stem Event

A number of students will attend a STEM Forum, held at Wright State University, on November 7. 

FFA Fruit Sale

Please remember to include the gift of fruit during the holidays.  Talk to a MUHS FFA member or contact advisor Betsy Martin at

Believe in Ohio

A number of MUHS students will take part in the Believe in Ohio competition this year.  Learn more at Believe in Ohio

Looking for a great Holiday Gift for that special student?

Achievement and Attendance Awards

Thanks to a Miami County Foundation grant, we will be able to raffle off four iPad minis, one per grade level, for students who have achieved a 3.2 GPA, missed no more than four days of schools and who have no office referrals.  These iPad minis will be raffled to students who meet these standards during the fourth quarter of this year.